The extension can optionally compile a function through gcc. The result ends up running roughly ten times faster.

My little VM sidesteps those problem by using static types and C array instead of hash table. Branch misprediction and cache misses in particular are achilles' heel for today's processors. Fact that PHP arrays are hash tables also imposes high cost: lot of branch mispredictions, inefficient use of cache, poor memory prefetching, and no SIMD optimization whatsoever. On a modern CPU, a dynamic language eats branch misprediction penalty left and right. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. Minify HTML Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Users can also minify HTML files by uploading the file. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of MinifyHTML::minify from package minify extracted from open source projects. This tool allows loading the HTML URL to minify. PHP Minify HTML CSS JS: Compress Web files removing unnecessary text Info Example View files (5) Download. As a result pages become smaller in size and load faster.
It does allow you to write code that run way faster than what regular PHP allows. PHP MinifyHTML::minify - 30 examples found. HtmlMin is a fast and very easy to use PHP library that minifies given HTML5 source by removing extra whitespaces, comments and other unneeded characters without breaking the content structure. It doesn't accelerate arbitrary PHP code. I'm been working on a PHP extension that translates Zend opcodes to run on a VM with static typing. This is less an answer than an advertisement. Minifying PHP source code continues to be useless for performance reasons. You now no longer need to do weird things to get better performance out of PHP! PHP 7 and 8 bring a whole bunch of amazing performance improvements that have pretty much closed the gap. HHVM diverged away from vanilla PHP a couple versions ago. It points out numerous ways to benchmark and profile code and identify bottlenecks using tools like xdebug and xhprof, also from Facebook.

Just to make sure it's stated expressly, please read that presentation in full. What is Minification Minification refers to the process of removing all unnecessary characters from a file while leaving the core functionality of the code in tact.
Create smaller files that require less bandwidth and download faster. It's still rather new and it's not clear if it will provide a major performance boost to the general public. Minify JavaScript with PHP Reduce unnecessary characters in a block of Javascript using PHP. HipHop is overkill for the majority of users.įacebook also recently unveiled HHVM, a new virtual machine based on their work making HipHop. import statements and small assets in CSS files), and optimizes/shortens a few common programming patterns. In short, it's not too much faster than optimizing code and using a bytecode cache. Removes whitespace, strips comments, combines files (incl. Rasmus Lerdorf, one of the big PHP guys did a presentation for Digg earlier this year that covers the performance improvements given by HipHop. You would get a major increase by using a bytecode cache like APC.įacebook introduced a compiler named HipHop that transforms PHP source into C++ code. There would be no effective speed increase if you attempted to "minify" the source. It's not really a traditional interpreted language like, say, BASIC. use MatthiasMullie Minify minifier new Minify JS ( path1, path2 ) add (path, / overload paths /) This is roughly equivalent to the constructor. Many other scripting languages follow the same general process, including Perl and Ruby. PHP is compiled into bytecode, which is then interpreted on top of something resembling a VM. This tool removing all whitespace, indentation, newlines and comments for decrease size and. Load Data in Browser URL input like this minify-html? input=inputdata minify-html?input= html> d> Largest companies bymarket cap -US StockMarketApple : 2037 BillionĪ libaba : 826 BillionThis data is as of. The Minifier PHP online was created to help compress PHP code. com/cbmgit/a26 f750999a9925c02 a1a9e5f4c2c150/ raw/CompaniesBy MCapital.html HTML Data as Parameter Load External URL in Browser URL like this minify-html? url=external-url minify-html?url= thubusercontent. Largest companies by market cap - US Stock Market