Private static extern int SystemParametersInfo (int uAction, int uParam, string lpvParam, int fuWinIni) Public const int SendWinIniChange = 0x02 Public const int SetDesktopWallpaper = 20
Wmic desktopmonitor change resolution code#
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties. WMI currently supports only the CIM 2.x version schemas. # - Made the Style parameter to the cmdlet optional The DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) CIM (Common Information Model) classes are the parent classes upon which WMI classes are built. # - Added "NoChange" style to just use the style setting already set # v0.5 First release (on v1.0 Public release () # ls *.jpg | get-random | Set-Wallpaper -Style "Stretch"

# Set-Wallpaper "C:\Users\Joel\Pictures\Wallpaper\Dual Monitor\mandolux-tiger.jpg" "Tile" If your users never change the setting then your method will appear to work only because it is seeing a default that matches the Current User’' settings. This is not detectable via WMI without a WDDM driver. # Set-Wallpaper - set your windows desktop wallpaper In Windows, since W2K, each user can set a custom graphics setting. Credits to the author of the following script are in the comments: #requires -version 2.0 Now that you know the computer's resolution, you can set the appropriate wallpaper like so. If you're lucky, the ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth properties of the Win32_DesktopMonitor WMI class will be filled out on the client, which means you can easily use a VB script or Powershell script to determine the computer's desktop resolution.